Yumi Park
Teaching Experience
Teaching Fellow
L&S TA training, College of Letters and Science, UW-Madison 2021
Student Instructor:
American Foreign Policy, UW-Madison Summer 2022 & Summer 2021
Teaching Assistant
Introduction to International Relations, UW-Madison Spring 2021 & Spring 2019
American Foreign Policy, UW-Madison Fall 2020
Analysis in International Relations (Game Theory), UW-Madison Spring 2020
Terrorism, UW-Madison Fall 2019 & Fall 2018
International Political Economy of Development and Cooperation, SNU Fall 2015 & Fall 2014
International Political Economy of Finance and Development , SNU Spring 2014
Student Assessment Excerpts
I am the 2021 recipient of the Letters & Sciences Teaching Fellow Award, one of the highest honors for teaching offered by UW-Madison.
I also received the Political Science Department's teaching award in 2021.
Diversity, inclusiveness and building a safe classroom
“Yumi interacts with students in a way that makes students feel intellectually capable and comfortable with their shortcomings. I always felt comfortable going to her for guidance, clarification, and affirmation.” (PS348-305)
“She was always extremely inclusive, approachable, and genuinely cared about the success and happiness of her students. Overall a great person with a very positive attitude that was reflected in her teaching.” (PS348-302)
“She was always in a good mood and genuinely seemed dedicated to our success. One of the best TAs I have had.” (PS348-305)
“Very enthusiastic about helping students succeed.” (PS348-305)
“Yumi is friendly, clear in her explanations of course material, encourages students to think for themselves and participate in class, and was all-around an extremely effective teacher. Not to mention wonderful to talk to and extremely supportive of her students. I had a wonderful semester with her!” (PS348-305)
“My TA was always helpful and available to offer assistance, I felt I could always reach out and receive help if needed. My TA was very kind, caring, and showed concern for the students. My TA also provided an atmosphere where I felt like I could always share my opinions. I'm very happy I was able to have the TA that I did. My TA was one of my favorites and deserves recognition and many compliments for this semester.” (PS359-311)
“Yumi goes above and beyond, she's so organized and understanding when it comes to any questions or concerns students may have. One of my favorite political science TAs of all time.”(PS359-311)
"Yumi was one of the best TAs I had this semester. She always was prepared, and I always left discussion feeling empowered and I like I learned more content." (PS140-309)
Effective teaching and engaging with students
“Very good at getting students to engage and think by asking a lot of questions rather than pointing out the answer right away.” (PS140-303)
“Really knowledgeable, leads discussion well, very good at stepping in to lead when needed but always encouraged everyone to explain and lead discussion as much as possible.” (PS359-308)
"Yumi is very capable of explaining complex material quickly and clearly. There was always a lot to cover in section so she came to class with a clear plan to explain it all." (PS348-306)
“Created lots of handouts and in class activities that made the material more engaging and helped to learn the concepts better.” (PS140-303)
“The TA clearly seems invested in the material at hand, and was constantly pushing for the students in her section to respond with that same sort of energy and attentiveness.” (PS347-305)
“Yumi is very approachable and always available to answer questions and help! She is a great TA and is very good at explaining complex problems. She is also very personable within the discussion setting!!” (PS348-306)
“Yumi is an amazing TA in terms of welcoming questions and her teaching style really encourages students to get involved. Besides, a non-American TA in a political science class could always be able to give us more different perspectives regarding some political issues.” (PS140-303)
“Yumi was great with organization and very understanding. She really made sure we were learning while also being engaged! One of the best TAs I've ever had!” (PS359-304)
“Her mastery of the material and easy explanations that were directly related to course material” (PS359-308)
"She's friendly and humorous." (PS359-311)
Teaching during the pandemic
“As a senior, I would say Yumi was my favorite TA I've had at UW. From the start, she made learning and engaging with course matter in a virtual setting comfortable and intriguing. Yumi was very responsive to inquiries in class and over email, and really showed she cared about our well-being in real life and in the class. She effectively expanded on course in a way that didn't seem like she was "lecturing" us, which made learning the content much more interesting.” (PS359-308)
“Yumi did a fantastic job with discussion especially after spring break [online transition due to covid-19 outbreak]. I had other classes where I felt that the class wasn't even the same but I felt that Yumi really worked to keep our quality of learning the same as that we had in person. I do not believe my ability to learn in this class would have been the same with a different TA. I would not hesitate to take another class with Yumi as my TA.” (PS348-306)
“I learned just as much in discussion as I did in lecture, Yumi was fantastic at helping us go through problems and understand the theory we discussed in lecture, and helping with problem sets. She's a great TA, really helpful in understanding the course material even when it got more difficult, and the weekly online sections were also done really well- definitely one of the smoothest in person-> online transitions I had in all of my courses.” (PS348-307)
“Even with online discussions being impersonal and weird, Yumi always made discussion fun and interesting. She was also very helpful when I had questions about my paper.” (PS359-311)
“She is really personable and creates a fun classroom dynamic. I would look forward to attending section with her when we are having in-person classes.” (PS348-307)